based Coracree, plays roots music from the heart, melding
a mixture of Celtic, Old time, European and Original
music with an old and contemporary sound. Coracree combines
the talents of four great musicians with a lifetime of
playing traditional music who also write new melodies
and songs in the traditional style.
Featuring the playing of award winning fiddler, clawhammer
banjo player Janie Rothfield, the silver throated singing
(and bass playing) of Scotsman, Allan Carr, multi-instrumentalist
extra-ordinaire, Bill Quern, and the inventive and
driving guitar of Sarah Gowan, Coracree
sets the house on fire! With lively fiddle tunes, soulful
Scottish and Appalachian ballads, great singing and
harmonies, a bit of raucus southern Old Time and an
occasional clog dance by guitarist Sarah Gowan, an
evening with Coracree equals a fun evening of music,
dance and humor!
Since 2010, Coracree has played at contra dances, concerts
and festivals throughout the American East, spreading
their unique and entertaining brand of Old and New folk
music to audiences of all ages.

Allan Carr - Guitar, bass, vocals
Jane Rothfield - Fiddle, banjo, vocals
Bill Quern - Tenor banjo, mandolin, accordion and harmonica,
Sarah Gowan - guitar, concertina, foot percussion, vocals
Bookings and Information:
Rothfield • • 518-522-7445